Saturday, April 13, 2013

Blessings Countinue.

Aunts make the best conversationalists.

 Its hard work lifting her cheeks.

Baby snuggle time makes happy people.

 Despite her simian appearance, she's all baby.
I've always known I was blessed. My life in the last few months has proven this over and over. Family, friends, and pretty much every one we have encountered on this journey has shown us love and support. Even when we are tired, cranky, and just plain irritable, people in our lives are overwhelmingly wonderful to us. They cook for us, help with encouraging words, and let us take naps (my personal favorite). Quinn is fortunate enough to have aunts and uncles who care so much for her and her well-being. From Funcle sending multiple articles on her care and keeping to her Aunt Liza teaching her the rules of being a baby to Auntie Lori giving her a ton of Mizzou paraphernalia to become a proper tiger, Quinn has received so much love and attention. I am reminded daily of our fortune of her overall health and calmness.
Last week we went to visit STO at his office, by chance her twin neighbors from the NICU were there. Their mother also suffered from toxemia but hers had not resolved like mine did. She was visiting one of STO's partners and I got to hold her babies who were three weeks younger than our Nugget. They weighed 2 lbs less than her and looked so much smaller. I feel so fortunate our girl is strong and healthy. Given her beginnings, it could have gone any way. So far, she's serious, content, and not happy when she thinks she's being excluded from any conversation. When she was born so tiny and helpless, it was hard to envision. But like everyone assured me, she is thus far a normal child. However, she comes from a long line of awesomeness so I expect once she stays awake for longer than 4 hours it will exude from her being. 

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