Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's Different When They Are Yours...

I wish I had kept track of how many people told me kids are different when they are yours. Or that you aren't as worn out as it seams because you love them with your whole being. My reason? There must be a secret society that has not elected me a member and I need answers. I would like to be on the inside circle. But membership has thus far eluded me. I have been a bonus parent for 2 years to a wonderful 12 and almost 9 year old. I've been inducted into the vomit and blood club. I've helped with homework until I want to cry too. I have folded tiny clothes that were worn for 5 minutes and thus indescribably filthy. However, being a bonus parent did not prepare me for the sympathetic looks I get when I visit STO at his office. You know the ones that say she looks like a donkey's behind but we will give her a pass. This look is usually followed by the statement/question "are you sleeping at all?" Or the ever so helpful, you need to train your child. I am aware of the importance of sleep hygiene in children, however preemies are high maintenance and need food often. My child prefers to eat 2 ounces every 2 hours. I think she likes the number 2. My explanation that more food at once makes for a longer sleep or time to stare at the fan, thus this has fallen on deaf ears.
I have several friends who swear they would not be good with kids unless they were their own. Inevitably, these are the type of women who make homemade pastries and crafts for every holiday. They make schedules, menus, and play dates months in advance. Some days I am really pleased when I put on my yoga pants before noon, and others I want to celebrate because I took a shower. My cousin says the first rule of parenting is take a shower every day. To which I informed her dry shampoo has become my new best friend and is perhaps a gateway product to a person I should avoid becoming. I do try to only use it once a week, thus far it has gone the way of my New Year resolutions. I am not fully a believer which is why I must not be doing it. That or the two hour sleep increments are getting to me.

Do not get me wrong, I would not change my child for anything. But I now know why I adopt older dogs, potty training is hard. This teaching a human how to be a self-sustaining, independent, lovable, and respectable is a whole new level of intense. I am truly blessed to be able to have this opportunity. I do believe being a parent is the hardest job out there. It is not for the weak or faint of heart. However, I am very skeptical of those parents who are always put together, perpetually cheerful, and make homemade sweets all while nursing their 10-month old in an immaculate home. They must drink, a lot.


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